As an established Turnkey Contractor of the region, we strive to provide client with good quality services. Our services include:
Turnkey Industrial Plant Construction Works & Proprietary Equipment Fabrication
Green Technology
Civil, Structure & Earthworks
Engineering & Design
Supply of Spare Parts & Others

Turnkey Industrial Plant Construction Works & Proprietary Equipment Fabrication
We are experienced in the construction of industrial plants and we have in-depth knowledge on mechanical works which include Fabrication & Installation for Tanks, Proprietary Equipment, Pressure Vessels and many more. Pressure Vessels are Hydro-Tested at the presence of external party to full-fill local authority requirement. Additionally, we are competent in the erection of heavy equipment for industrial plants. Before the erection works of heavy equipment at site, we will plan the erection sequence and correctly size the equipment to install, at cost-efficient manner. Depending on storage tank size, we would opt for Hydraulic Jacking Method for tank erection works and this does not only reduce the erection period but also facilitate safety at works and quality assurance. Safety is emphasized throughout the projects and we strive to achieve ‘Zero’ injuries yearly as part of our ISO objectives.

Green Technology
In line of global goals of preserving the environment, we adopt “Go Green” concept and thereby we have ventured in to Green Technology in recent years. Green Technology Projects that we involve in are Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP), Biogas Plant and Green Mill System. Our POME Free System is a dry process and therefore no waste water pond is required. We test & commission the system and the performance data are gathered for analysis and are presented to clients upon request.

Civil, Structure & Earthworks
In additional to mechanical works, we are also capable of undertaking Civil, Structure & Earthwork projects. Client’s opting for us as a full-package contractor does not only ease their effort in project coordination, but also minimize errors in between Mechanical & Civil works. We plan our civil construction according to the actual site situation and we offer client advises to ascertain the strength of the soil before the execution of the projects.

Engineering & Design
We strive to propose the best solutions to our clients in consideration of practicality, efficiency and reliability. The process starts from identifying the right location for the plant, propose the suitable arrangement and sizing of the equipment to suit the plant capacity. Furthermore, we are supported by industry experts and experienced vendors in all areas related to the plant. Our team is able to design pressure vessel in accordance to ASME and other internationally-recognized codes.